In the enchanting locale of Nakhipot, Lalitpur, unfolds the mesmerizing, Residence Design, spanning a land area of 0-10-0-1 (3443.72 sq.ft). Crafted by Project Architect Gopal Bahadur Kunwar and Designer Kreepa Timsina, with captivating visualizations, this residence is a classic fusion of modern and neoclassical design. Height variation adds depth and character, while effortless textures in neutral tones evoke a timeless elegance. The living area features a double height and opulent design, creating a space where each view offers a unique hierarchical component to enhance the user experience. With ArEiCon, experience the perfect blend of neoclassical charm and modern sophistication.
Project Details:
Land Area: 325.85 SQ.M
Site Plan: Area per Site: 319.9324 SQ.M Area per Lalpurja: 325.85 SQ.M